Thursday, November 13, 2014

Top 3 games to introduce to new generation via sequel or reboot (Shiro choice)

Today I’m gonna talk for my top 3 choices of game needing a sequel or reboot for the new generation of gaming, for this list I’m gonna look at games I have enjoyed for the past consoles and never got to enjoy recently or have not heard of a sequel or reboot for the last 5 years.
1 - Star Wars : Rogue Squadron
Star Wars : Rogue Squadron cover
First on my list is the arcade style space combat game based on the star wars universe. Set in the timeline of the original trilogy, the game lets you take control of different fighter spaceships like the X-wing, Y-wing or A-wing .Developed by factor 5 and Lucasarts ,the game had great graphics for the time and the gameplay was fast paced. I really enjoyed the different type of missions that kept me coming back for more. It had 2 sequels but for me the first one was the best. The last sequel was released in 2003, so it’s been a while since I enjoyed such a great spaceship shooter. Altough Star Wars: Battlefront 3 is announced and will include spacebattle nothing beats  the lighting fast and fun factor of the Rogue Squadron series.
Select your craft screen
Dog fight in space

2 - Dino Crisis
Dino Crisis cover
Back in 1999, Capcom released Dino Crisis a survival horror game produced by Resident Evil creator Shinji Mikami for the original Playstation, the Dreamcast and the PC. In the game, you played the role of Regina, member of a Special Operation Unit sent to investigate an island that’s been overrun by dinosaurs. Although the gameplay was exactly the same as of Resident Evil; I really enjoyed the tone and the premise of the game. The puzzle were more complex of that of Resident Evil , and  in the healing department you also had to manage your bleeding because raptors would follow your blood trails. It had 2 sequels which didn’t had as good reviews as the original, last one was release on the original X-box. So I think and hope they will think to reboot such a great game which basically is Resident Evil meets Jurassic Park.
Cornered by raptors
Death by raptor
3 - Onimusha Series

Another title from Capcom , Onimusha is a third person action-adventure set in feudal Japan. All 4 games were exclusive for the Playstation 2, where you played the role of different characters slaying demons. There were also horror and puzzle elements in the game. I literally played all 4 and enjoyed every single one of them as much. The graphics were top notch, with an enthralling storyline and great voice acting. These games had also the advantage of having their characters modeled after well known actors and also bringing  YĆ«saku Matsuda who died in 1989 back to life for Onimusha 2.
Takeshi Kaneshiro as Samanosuke Akeshi
Demon slaying in feudal Japan
Yusaku Matsuda as Jubei Yagyu

Jean Reno as Jacques Blanc
That's all for today. Hope you enjoy the reading. See you soon.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Actresses to play Carol Danvers

With Marvel recent announcement of phase 3 of their movie franchise, we were greeted to the good news that a Captain Marvel movie based on the character Carol Danvers are in the works. What have not been revealed is which actress is going to play the lead character. Today I am gonna give you my choice for actresses that can play the role, and as for a rule I will not choose an actress who is currently playing a role in either the marvel or DC universe movies.
Before I begin, just a little recap on who is Captain Marvel, From her real name Carol Danvers, she is former Air force pilot who was working as head security for a NASA base. It’s while working at that base, she came into contact with the alien superhero Mar-Vell who ( and you guessed it ) was the first Captain Marvel. While aiding Captain Marvel in his adventure Carol Danvers was captured and was experimented on, which rearrange her DNA that made her half-human and half-Kree, which in turn gave her superpowers. With her powers she aided Captain Marvel under the moniker Miss Marvel until his death. During her superhero career, she worked with many other heroes including Spider-man, the X-Men and the Avengers. Her powers consist of superhuman strength and agility , flight, energy absorption and photonic blast.
Using her photonic blast.
Now lets start with the list.
1 - Ali Larter
As Nikki Sanders in Heroes.
Best known for her dual role of Nikki Sanders and Tracy Strauss on the TVshow Heroes , Ali Larter has been acting since the late 90’s , she also plays the role of Claire Redfield on the movie franchise of Resident Evil. A part from the fact she looks like Carol Danvers in my head, she has the experience in acting that can help the dual role of tough as nail military and confused as learning her new powers in the movie franchise. She still have to film the final Resident Evil movie and she stars in the TV show Legends, so in the time management point of view it will be difficult for filming, but in my head it’s a good choice.
As Claire Redfield in Resident Evil franchise
2 - Anna Torv
As Olivia Dunham in Fringe

Best known for the voice of the video game character Nariko from Heavenly Sword and starring as FBI agent Olivia Dunham in the TV Science Fiction Drama Fringe, Anna Torv is my second choice for this list. I chose Anna Torv mostly for her acting, during the (wonderful) seasons of Fringe , she has proven she will go wherever the character needs her to go , she has that perfect mix of beauty and determination that would be needed for her character to stand firm in front of the likes of Tony Stark and Steve Rodgers. She haven’t done anything significant since the end of Fringe which can cause her popularity to go down a little bit , but who knows anything can happen and Captain Marvel could be her second coming.
3 - Katee Sackhoff
As Starbucks in Battlestar Galactica 2004 reboot
Admit it you knew this was coming , and you are right , with the popular trend and to the delight of my partner Protoformal,  my best choice for Carol Danvers is Starbucks herself Katee Sackhoff. Known for her portrayal of Kara Thrace of the Battlestar Galactica 2004  reboot , Katee Sackoff brings a bad-ass vibe to the character and an army of fanboy. Seriously who wouldn’t pay to see Katee Sackoff hold her own against Ronan the Accuser and with the Avengers: Infinity Gauntlet coming up we can already imagine her kicking ass side by side with the Hulk.
Fingers crossed!!!!
Fell free to leave a comment and to give your personal choice of actress to bring Carol Danvers to life on the silver screen. Hope you enjoy the read. See you all soon.