Sunday, February 22, 2015

Spider-Man to MCU

Last week it was announce that Sony, holders to the Spider-Man movie rights and Marvel Studios who are responsible for the Marvel Cinematic Universe have made a deal to introduce everyone’s favorite wall crawler to the MCU where he will be joining the likes of Iron-Man , Captain America and other Marvel Superheroes of that universe . Welcome to VGBM and we will be analyzing the introduction of Spider-Man in the MCU.
What does it mean for the Spider-Man Franchise?

Although I am a big fan of Andrew Garfield, it is confirmed that he is out as Spider-Man and that the next Spider-man movie will be a reboot. 
Andrew Garfield is out
Let’s be honest here since the Sam Raimi Spider-Man 2 there have not really been a really successful Spider-Man movie. I must admit personally I did not like Spider-Man 3 ( Specially for Emo Peter-Parker) , the first Amazing Spider-man was fairly good but wasn't that satisfied with the sequel ( Let’s just say I had mixed feelings about that movie). Now with Marvel Pictures acting as a partner and consultant for the next reboot, and with their recent success in practically all of their movies we can expect a satisfying and hopefully successful Spider-Man Movie for this generation and not to mention cameo’s from all the other MCU characters.
What does it mean for Marvel?
Spidey's role in Civil War Movie
For Marvel, with this announcement it means Marvel Studios can introduce in the MCU the poster boy for their Comics, let’s be honest you don’t need to read comics to know Spider-man. So it’s nice that Marvel Studio can finally introduce him in their universe. Let’s not forget the important role he played in the Civil War comic story arc so it will be good for him to make an appearance in Captain America 3 which is based on that comic. And on top of that we can also can expect a Marvel Knights movie with Spider-Man, Daredevil, Black Panther and Black Widow or a possible Avengers. But apart from them the power of a Spider-Man cameo will raise the bar in any of the Marvel properties would it be Agents of Shield, Daredevil or any other properties and the use of some well-known Spidey related characters like Norman Osborn, Venom, Spider-Woman (Jessica Drew), J. Jonah Jameson or the entire Sinister Six gang will also help the MCU.
Spider-Man and Daredevil : Marvel Knights
With that said let’s go to the bad news now, with that partnership in mind means Marvel Studios will not compete with Sony pictures for movie release. Let me explain with the next Spider-Man reboot scheduled to be released at the same time of Thor Ragnarok this means that Thor and all other MCU phase 3 movies are pushed back to 6 months.
Phase 3 original release dates
With this deal between Marvel Studios and Sony Pictures the possibilities are limitless, the fact that our beloved Spider-Man will join the MCU is a great news for the fans and from a financial point of view it will benefit both players. We still don’t know if we will have a new version of Peter Parker or we will be treated by the new Miles Morales Spider-Man from the Ultimate Universe, but any version that comes will be a welcome addition to the MCU.
Peter Parker and Miles Morales
Thanks again for reading and until next time. Feel free to leave a comment or to show your appreciation by sharing this blog with your friends.

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