Thursday, October 30, 2014

Shiro favorite comic book artist

 So today I’m gonna talk about one of my favorite comic book Mr. John Romita Jr, I want to talk about his work , his style and what drew me to his particular style.
John Romita Jr is the son of another comic book illustrator John Romita Sr, he mostly worked with Marvel from the 1970 s to the 2000’s but he also worked with Icon comics and is currently working with DC comics for the Superman comics. Some of his early work was the Iron Man comic book but my first contact with him was with his run on the X-Men and Spider-Man comics.
Now one could argue that his style is not appealing and I might agree especially when it comes to character design. But one things he brings to his style is the gritty world in which he illustrated perfectly in his run of Daredevil.

And it was this style that illustrated the perfectly dark world of some of my favorite storyline in comics most notably “Wolverine: Enemy of the state”, “Kick-Ass” and “Punisher and Batman: Deadly Knight”. I also enjoyed his run on X-Men where he also helped create some memorable characters like Forge and Valerie Cooper.

John Romita Jr, although his style isn’t pretty, its gritty , puts the atmosphere for dark storyline , presents some characters in some bad situation and with a career over 3 decades long shows that he’s one of the most recognized artists in the business.
Hope you enjoyed. See you next time.

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