Thursday, December 4, 2014

Shiro favorite comic book writer

In any kind of media, be it movies, video games and books, it needs a good story to succeed. Welcome back to VGBM and today I’m going to talk about my favorite comic book writer, Scottish born Mark Millar.
Mark Millar
I first came into contact with Mark Millar work at my second coming of comic books. As you all know growing up in Haiti, most of the marvel comics came through translation from an French company called Semic. So when it stopped we didn't receive any new comics. But thanks to the internet and digital comics, I started to read comic books again. At the time there was the new marvel Ultimate universe where I first been exposed to Mark Millar especially ultimate X-Men.
Ultimate X-Men
The Ultimates
There was something about his vision about the marvel universe that seemed a bit more believable then the 616 universe. His characters seemed more flawed so in another words more believable for example how wolverine was sent to murder the X-men so he infiltrated the team by sleeping with Jean or the way Hawkeye killed Black Widow for being responsible for his family’s death or the way everybody tought Thor was mentally ill for thinking he was a norse god not to mention a fan favorite X-man being homosexual in the ultimate universe. You know its those little things , the ambiguous and the morally grey area of the Ultimate version of the characters that makes us come back not to mention all of the brutal fight scenes involving his different characters. But I’m getting a bit ahead of myself its true his run on The Ultimates and Ultimate X-Men put him on the map but his run on the main universe and his own personal projects really exploded his popularity in the comic world.
Civil War
If you ask anybody why Wolverine is one of my top 2 comic book characters and Mark Millar was a big reason for that with the Wolverine:Enemy of the state and Wolverine :Agent of SHIELD arcs those can be hands down one of my favorite stories of all time . So much I remember telling a friend “Mark Millar is the ****” after reading that arc. It had everything you needed in a great story, a fallen hero , many casualties and one of the most bad-ass villains ever who gave Wolverine , Electra, Nick Fury and the whole SHIELD organization a run for there money. Another great arc he did was the Marvel Civil War arc that pitted Iron Man pro-registration act against Captain America’s resistance and to prove how good that story was , I’m only gonna say that the Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 video game and the next Captain America movie will be based on that Arc.
The Gorgon : main protagonist of  Wolverine Agent of SHIELD arc.
Although Mark Millar has been writing for Marvel Comics, it should also be noted that he was the mind behind 2 great comics, Wanted and Kick-Ass and his sequels. I know most of you were disappointed with the Wanted movie starring Angelina Jolie and James McAvoy but I promise you that the Wanted comic is way way better and with the success of the Kick-Ass movies you can imagine how good the comics were. I have to note that the Kingsman : Secret Service movie is inspired by his comic of the same way ( But I haven’t read it yet).
Kick-Ass and Hit-Girl
Wanted poster
I know in comics there’s a long list of great writers Franck Miller, Alan Moore, Brian Michael Bendis,  Jhoss Whedon, everyone who has a certain style that attracts me to them but my admiration for Mark Millar is so strong I wanted to share it with you guys.
Feel free to leave a comment and tell us who is your favorite comic book writer.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post and interesting blog. What do u think of Frank Miller ? Hope u write a review of his work soon.
